5 Christmas Office Party Ideas

Planning a Christmas party for the office can be a lot of fun! You can choose from many different ideas. The best theme for your party is for you and your employees to decide. Think about the people who work in your office and what they might like. Do you have a lot of young people in your office? Do you think your workers would like to dress up for the party? The way you plan the day should be based on what the party guests will like.
You could hire a band if you have enough money to do that. If you don’t have enough money for a band or a DJ, then you could bring your own music to play. You can ask your employees what kind of holiday party they would want. You might let them vote for the best party idea. Here are a few ideas for Christmas office parties. One of these might be perfect for your office.

Go to a Restaurant

One kind of Christmas party that your workers might have fun at is a party at a restaurant. This is probably one of the easiest choices for your office party. You could rent a private room and bring your own decorations. This could be much easier than doing it at the office because you won’t have to clean up after the party. Some restaurants might even do the decorating for your holiday party. You also won’t need to cook or order catered food because the food will be made right at the restaurant. After everybody eats, make sure you give everyone a nice Christmas present, too.

Have Your Party at an Amusement Park

If your office is near an amusement park, you could have your party there. This is a great idea if most of your office workers are under 30 years old. Ask everyone to meet at the front of the park at one time. Then, you can all stay in one group or split up and meet for lunch. If you want to give Christmas presents to your employees, you can do that on another day at the office. If your office is not close to an amusement park, you could all go to an arcade instead. You might also go bowling or play mini-golf.   

Go Skiing

You can have a skiing party if your office is near a ski resort. Be sure to give the workers who don’t want to ski other things to do, like play games near a fireplace at the ski lodge. You should probably rent a room at the ski lodge before you tell your employees about the party. You can serve hot chocolate with dessert, and your employees may play games. You could also give your workers gifts when they are done skiing.

At the Office

You do not need to leave the office to have a fun Christmas party. You can throw a very fun party right where you all work. Have a Secret Santa gift exchange: One month before the party, ask every worker to pull the name of another worker out of a box. No one can see the names that are written on paper because each piece of paper will be folded. Each worker will buy a gift for the person whose name is written down on the piece of paper pulled from the box. You can set a price limit on the gifts. You could all decorate a Christmas tree and decorate the office at your party, too.   

Christmas Movie Marathon

This is a good party plan if you work in a small office. Each employee can pick a favorite Christmas movie to watch. You can either watch movies at the office or at someone’s home. Each person can bring a favorite food item, too. Serve the food on a buffet table. You might all decorate Christmas cookies at the party. Don’t forget to make popcorn and eggnog for this party! Make sure that you offer each guest a warm blanket and comfortable pillow to snuggle up with during the movie marathon. More than anything else, your office Christmas party should be fun for everyone. If you think of an idea that most of your employees don’t like, you should offer them another choice. Ask them what they want to do. They will like that you asked, and they can help you plan the best Christmas party ever!
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