It’s almost here and within a few hours, we will enter the Year 2017. If you want to stay close and have fun with the children before the clock strikes midnight let’s plan some fun for them.
Paper Clocks
Depending on the age of the child you can plan a ‘pretend’ countdown to midnight. Pick up some paper clocks at your party store and have the children change the clock times to ring at midnight. Make it fun by having the children decorate with balloons, party hats and don’t forget the noise makers. Okay you can use some of these items for yourself when the clock really strikes midnight. They will have a great time and hopefully get into bed at a reasonable time.
Balloon Burst
You can fill balloons blown with helium with confetti or even better write notes and place in each balloon to give to the children. Something positive such as: “You are Terrific”, “The Best Daughter/Son Ever”, remember to fill the balloon with Notes of Love. Give them out at the end of the party.
Food and Drinks
You can fill colorful cups with their favorite beverage and or course who does not enjoy pizza and/or bacon and sausage roll-ups. Don’t forget the popcorn and cookies or cupcakes. You can decorate them as the face of a clock for fun.
Picture Time
Purchase some throw-away/disposable cameras and take candid photos as if there was a professional photographer in the house. You can get the preloaded cameras so all that is needed is to take to have them developed soon afterwards.
Have Fun with Family and Friends.
The Very Best to You and Yours – 2017 Ahead at Full Blast