Being Aware of Me

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Listed below are a few steps I’m sharing when working with clients.  They can help you stay focused:

  1. Breath–  We often hear this word; however, we can and sometimes stop breathing unconsciously when confronted with unexpected questions and/or situations;
  2. Think –  Before embarrassing yourself and others take a moment to think about your answer of if you should find clarity and answer later;
  3. Self-Control – Know who you are and be authentic.  An Event Planner may not be your profession and/or Customer Service Representative; and
  4. Lighten Up – It may not be as serious as you think.  I have actually laughed at myself–

Before that meeting consider listening to your favorite music, calming music, and definitely not the news as this can be carried into your consultation.


Take the time to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself.  

Enjoy your next event!!

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