If you are having several events this holiday season you want to plan for everything runs smoothly in a timely manner. It is always exciting to read some of your own planning tips from one of the best. In this case it is from Colin Cowie (lifestyle guru and party planner to the stars, television personality and writer).
Tip #1- Organization
This is definitely the main key to success. If you have been to any event and you leave wondering ‘Why did I go?” – Chaos with no vision in site. Plan ahead so you and your guests can relax and enjoy the day.
Tip #2 – Keep it Manageable
If you guests list or vision of the event starts to balloon out of control I suggest that you return to the purpose of the event and your budget. It is important to have fun with your family and friends so be specific when sending out those invitations. If you include the wording –‘and Family’-be prepared.
Tip #3 – Venue Selection
Ensure that the venue can accommodate your guests in a comfortable manner. No one wants to squeeze up to a table or walk touching elbow and elbow. Colin Cowie suggests that you consider a venue that offers great on-site accommodations.
Tip#4 – Include Event Lighting in your Budget
Have you ever entered an event space and you can absolutely see no one. The lights are so dim that it completely takes away from the ambience. You can have beautiful centerpiece arrangements, monogrammed napkins and wonderfully displayed buffet tables. WHY? If your guests cannot enjoy the beauty of your hard work. Colin Cowie suggests that you include this element in your budget if only for pin-spots and candles or string lights.
Tip #5 – Just Have Fun
If something happens as not planned Colin Cowie says to focus on the positive. I say have fun and ENJOY!!!